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Congratulations to Weili Valley for winning the third prize in the National Finals of the Beidou + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Congratulations to Shenzhen Weiligu Wireless Technology Co., LTD

Won the Beidou + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

【 National Finals third Prize 】



On April 26, 2021, the National finals and award ceremony of the fourth "Beidou +" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition were held in Beijing. The competition is hosted by Zhongguancun Space Information Industry Technology Alliance and Zhongguancun Broadband wireless Private Network Application Industry Association. Chen Xuegeng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Quande, Secretary General of the China Satellite Navigation and Positioning Association, Wang Zengning, Secretary general of the China Geographic Information Industry Association, Wei Zheng, Secretary general of the China Remote Sensing Application Association, Cao Chong, director of the Expert Committee of the Zhongguancun Space Information Industry Technology Alliance, as well as more than 100 representatives of enterprises and public institutions, universities and teachers, investment institutions, social organizations and media Mat.


【 Shenzhen Weligu Wireless Technology Co., LTD. 】

After a series of campaigns, we won the third prize of National Beidou +


General Manager Bai Guiqing spoke on behalf


Do you have a familiar feeling, we have achieved excellent results, this achievement is inseparable from our chairman Lu and general manager Bai led everyone to fight hard. I am proud to be a member of Weili Valley, but also to our leadership and team say: you have worked hard!


Post time:2021-04-26

  • PREVIOUS:Congratulations to Shenzhen Weiligu Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. for joining Shenzhen Automotive Electronics Industry Association
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